Sunday, August 27, 2006

Effect and Cause

They stumble forth from binding blindness
Drawn not by light seen but by light felt.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


After spending the morning on the Amazon Queene and adapting to the people with whom I'd be spending the next few days, I grabbed a journal and headed to a quiet spot where I'd be able to peacefully enjoy the brillance of the setting sun on the river.

I pulled up a chair to a small cliff, propped up my legs, and began to write. I say write, but it was more like thinking about writing, for the sunset was gorgeous, and, as all sunsets are, I knew that it would go ahead and sink immediately if I didn't patiently watch it progress.

Just as I was getting comfortable in my thoughts and absorbing the different noises of the jungle, a new noise envaded my supposedly withdrawn-from-mankind spot. It sounded as if someone was clucking his tongue, as if he were purposely trying to get my attention. I ignored it for a while, but finally, I turned around. The perpetrator was this.


Never having encountered an ROUS (Rodent of Unusual Size) before, I was a little taken back. On top of that, Wesley was no where to be found, and I had forgotten my sword. So, I did what any normal person would do. I stared right back at it and stood perfectly still, trying to blend in with the background.

We probably stood at attention for twenty seconds or so, until a man, searching for a cell phone signal staggered onto the path.
"What is it?" he asked, after taking the same freeze or die approach that I took.
"Don't know," I replied.

He then pulled out a sword from I don't know where, deftly grabbed a vine and swung himself between me and the beast, slaughtered the ROUS, and announced that he was now ready to marry me.

We (ROUS not included) lived happily ever after.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

An Interlude


To past hopes that launched present realities. Thank you. Both. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Rat Race

Humans 2; Rats .5 (We lost three brooms in the ordeal.)